Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Let the Exercise Begin!

Yes, let the exercise begin! Boy am I feeling it! My butt hurts, my quads hurt, my biceps, hurt, my triceps hurt, my hamstrings hurt, my lower back hurts and just about every other muscle in my body short of the muscles in my fingers. Yesserie Bob!

I started Monday morning. I did the Leslie Sansone 1 Mile walk. That went splendidly. I enjoyed it a lot! Then the picklets and I did the ABC-robics. I did those, had fun with those, got creative with those and just about collapsed after those. THAT IS A WORKOUT!! After a shower I felt better. In fact I had energy all day and didn't start feeling any pain until I woke up this morning.

My butt and quads hurt a bit this morning but nothing major. I did the 1 Mile walk and felt pretty good. Then I decided I would do a workout with the picklets. Now, this is a kids aerobic workout, meant for kids, that is just basically jumping around and beginning dance moves. I danced and moved and had a blast.

Now I can barely move. Exercise has about killed me. But I feel good. Now ain't that an oxymoron?

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